Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Musical Inflation

As me and Peter Ahlersmeyer were walking back from F-lot, which you know is quite the walk if your a freshman, we discussed this new phenomenon of music inflation, a term I've coined to describe a current trend in todays music scene. Many new advances in technology and availability have come about in computers and audio editing software and it is now incredibly easy for the average Joe to write his own CD. Now that there is an abundance of music however and its so easy to make, the value of it has declined noticeably. Companies have taken over the industry and have begun making CD's simply as a flare for celebrities or generic copies of every other CD out there. Previously, you could only make it in the music scene if you were extremely talented and had the drive to strive for the title of a musical artist. Am I saying that we shouldnt have these easy ways of making music? Of course not, there are many quality artist that have come out of the unknown much easier because of these advances. However, I do believe that music has lost much of its value do to these things along with film, which also relies heavily on mainstream driven and generic ideas nowadays. It seems to me that music has become just a status, "look what I did, I'm a music artists now because I made this techno song". I guess the quality of music hasn't gone down, it's peoples understanding of what music is and what it stands for that has gone down. Its no longer given respect or time in its production and is many times thrown together and slapped on a CD with generic art work of the band standing in a warehouse or a close up of the "artist" holding his guitar and looking hott for the ladies (you know what I'm talking about, the I'm-so-hott-and-I-make-music-that-makes-girls-go-aww-thats-so-cute-and-romantic! kind of guy). All in all, I don't think that this state will reverse itself, but I hope that people will better understand how sacred music is and how it is ART, not generic accessory.


Blogger Donnie_Darko said...

i agree with the generic mainstream no talent junk, it's starting to get way outta hand and ridiculous.

10:32 PM  
Blogger Peter Ahlersmeyer said...

i wrote a blog on ths same thing weird

7:55 PM  

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