Monday, December 11, 2006
Huntingtons R rated policy is...a little off in my view. Some movies are incredibly profane, sexually explicit and only rated PG-13. Even though some R rated movies are the same way, many are only rated that because of violence and language. But is language really an issue? In my view, crap and shit are exactly the same, but for some reason society has made them out to be worse than they are. And violence, is that an issue either? What is morally wrong with watching war? I believe that many R films are more moral than many PG-13 movies because of this factor. As long as we keep our own moral beliefs in mind, I believe that their should be no problem with watching R rated movies.
So this movie still rocks, even now, for a college freshman, I still have to sing along. Disney movies arent what they were anymore though, why is that? My belief is that Disney has succumbed to what is cool or trendy, and not on good storytelling. Yes there are definitely some good Disney movies still being made but not near the caliber of what they used to be. It seems like its a common theme among movies today actually, people worrying about what society thinks about the film instead of simply making a film that their proud of.
DMA rascism?
A few times on campus, I've gotten the feeling that there are many negative stereotypes about DMA majors that arent necessarily correct. Many have stated that DMA majors are lazy bums that don't do anything and ultimately, wont "impact their world for Christ". First of all, I think that the media is one of the most influential forces in todays society and I think that if we DON'T affect the mainstream media that we have done a horrible job of proclaiming Christ. And we must create QUALITY media as well, if our work is less than average than people won't hold us in respect or believe anything we say. We also have to be careful not to treat secular film makers as if they are nothing and are in the wrong, because thats definitely not the way Christ did it. In the book The Gutter, it talks about how two guys started a site, xxxchurch. com, which is a resource to help guys with their porn addictions. Because they were different, and didnt criticize the porn industry for their work, they successfully got on the inside with many of societies most perverse and dirty characters, those that need Christ the most. And as for laziness, yeah, maybe we do get it a little easy, but if you have ever made your own film, you would understand how trying and difficult our job is.
Christ in Media
One aspect that has always angered at least some branch of the church is the issue of what is Christian music and what is not. Many have argued that it is defined by the instruments used and the style implemented. I've listened to some "christian" songs that do an absolutely horrible job of proclaiming what Jesus has done through us. And I've listened to some hardcore music that speaks of a man dealing with despair and conflict but in the end cries out to God in the most emotional and humble way. Even some artists who don't directly mention God or Christ in their music are better influences than most because their music is uplifting and moral, but what sets them apart from anyone else is that they profess Christ in interviews and their statements, backing up their music and filling it out. I would encourage everyone to look deeper than what the church says is "christian" music and find out what really lifts Christ up.
Gears of War
Wow....simply wow, this game blew my mind completely. I'm a pretty big Halo fanboy...but this game definitely blew away my expectations with all of its aspects. Gameplay is always interesting with the games heavy use of cover and blindfire, something that not even Halo has. And the, every cutscene, even though it uses in game graphics, is beautiful and makes it seem like theres a real live war photographer following you around, getting blood splattered on him and being jostled around. The game feels much more like real war because instead of just running out full speed, guns blazing, you have to ever so slowly advance on enemy position and sometimes even retreat to avoid being blown to pieces. And OH, the most amazing feature of the game, this is what sets GOW apart from every other game out there....if the game didnt have this aspect it just might not be the beast it ready?.......CHAINSAW BAYONET......nuff said.
The Birth of Ideas
It's interesting the random times that film or music ideas pop into your mind. I've had my fair share come from when I have a fever considering I can't really form rational thoughts and usually random scenarios play through my head....maybe I'm crazy. Dreams seem to be another good source for material, many films, plays and songs have originated from dreams and the interesting thoughts they bring. One of the main reason that dreams bring about such intriguing material is that they make your mind deal with problems and things you don't understand, resulting in abstract interpretations of problems, that which art is made of. This brings up something interesting about music today, are artists expressing themselves anymore and their deep problems? I would argue that many are not, considering the amount of songs dealing with things like ho's and bling nowadays.....
It's just a movie
How many times have we said the phrase, "It's just a movie"? Many times people forget how true this is and it directly affects them, and most of the time negatively. Romance films especially set us up for unreal expectations, a few times I've seen people that try to handle relationships like it is in the movies, with more dramatic behavior than is needed. In the horror genre, people develop irrational fears because of what they have seen go on in films. Children especially are susceptible to the effects of films, as a child I was scared for a week straight that a raptor was going to come screaming out of my closet because of the movie Jurassic Park. Numerous friends have told me that after they saw The Grudge that they were terrified of anything that remotely looked like long hair and refused to go into small spaces. I'm definitely not saying that films shouldnt contain dramatic, graphic, and unrealistic scenes that are unlikely in real life because thats what makes many films interesting. I think people just need to be reminded now and again that it is "just a movie" and that they shouldnt take it too literally.
The Holiday
When I saw that Jack Black would be in The Holiday, I was immediately hooked. This film portrays two women who feel the need to get away from their current situation because of some sort of problem with the male gender. One has found out that her husband has been cheating on her and the other has found that a man she loves has gone and married another woman. One woman, who lives in England in a cottage, sets her house up for house exchange, which is basically swapping houses with another person for two weeks. The other woman, who lives in a elaborate house in L.A., goes searching for a house to exchange with and finds the other womans. The two end up finding exactly what they need to, one who needed to cry and feel for a man, the other who needed friends and someone to love. All in all, the film is a romance comedy but theres something a little deeper than that, maybe its the fact that both find companions in people that they never would expect to and end up living life.
Man on Fire
Recently, I bought the DVD Man on Fire. When I first saw this movie I was simply stunned at the amount of artistic value contained in the film. The camera was incredible, intricate and gave a grungy feel to the whole movie with high contrast shots. When the main character, was intoxicated and emotional, the camera jumped shots and scenarios incredibly fast, giving the viewer the same type of confused and distorted feeling that he experienced. Not only did the film incorporate an intricate and raw storyline, it included just the right amount of action which kept you on your toes. Some scenes were very graphic, including a man getting his fingers chopped off, a man being blown up via a bomb planted in his rectum, and another man having his hand half blown off by a shotgun. All these images however contributed to the enraged feeling of the main character at the loss of a little girl whom he loved and had shown him that he could live. Many films today have lost the meaning behind violence, violence and gore have now taken a central role in what a movie is about. It's all about who can think of the most deranged way to kill someone in a film because it will cause audiences to react and thereby selling more tickets.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Musical Inflation
As me and Peter Ahlersmeyer were walking back from F-lot, which you know is quite the walk if your a freshman, we discussed this new phenomenon of music inflation, a term I've coined to describe a current trend in todays music scene. Many new advances in technology and availability have come about in computers and audio editing software and it is now incredibly easy for the average Joe to write his own CD. Now that there is an abundance of music however and its so easy to make, the value of it has declined noticeably. Companies have taken over the industry and have begun making CD's simply as a flare for celebrities or generic copies of every other CD out there. Previously, you could only make it in the music scene if you were extremely talented and had the drive to strive for the title of a musical artist. Am I saying that we shouldnt have these easy ways of making music? Of course not, there are many quality artist that have come out of the unknown much easier because of these advances. However, I do believe that music has lost much of its value do to these things along with film, which also relies heavily on mainstream driven and generic ideas nowadays. It seems to me that music has become just a status, "look what I did, I'm a music artists now because I made this techno song". I guess the quality of music hasn't gone down, it's peoples understanding of what music is and what it stands for that has gone down. Its no longer given respect or time in its production and is many times thrown together and slapped on a CD with generic art work of the band standing in a warehouse or a close up of the "artist" holding his guitar and looking hott for the ladies (you know what I'm talking about, the I'm-so-hott-and-I-make-music-that-makes-girls-go-aww-thats-so-cute-and-romantic! kind of guy). All in all, I don't think that this state will reverse itself, but I hope that people will better understand how sacred music is and how it is ART, not generic accessory.